Monday, May 3, 2010

About Me

(This wouldn't fit in the about me section so I just made it into a post)
Jack Smith is obviously, not my real name, I have changed it for the sake of keeping my job and keeping my family sane. I am not ashamed of my Heathenism, but I do respect the wishes of my folk. I was raised a christian, and for the first 19 years of my life, I was a devout non-denominational christian, what I would later describe as a christian with a folkish theology. When I was 19 I joined the US Army, and religion took a back seat for three years, when I came out of the Army I realized that I was no longer a christian.

So I considered myself an atheist for about 2 years, after that, I got an itch to study all the religions in the world, including Christianity and so I did just that, I studied Catholicism, All the flavors of the Protestants, Buddhism, Taoism, Stoicism, Deism, Satanism, Paganism, Asatru Recon, Hellenic Recon, Celtic Recon, Judaism Hinduism, Various forms of Spirituality, and so on. I eventually came to a conclusion, all of these religions are real to the people that follow them, and so I became a Hard Polytheist over night, believing that all of these Gods and Goddesses are real to there people, and I decided to go with the pantheon that gave me the greatest "pull" and for me, that was Asatru, and so, from that time on, I have been a Heathen. I have told only my best friend and my wife, I have decided against telling the rest of the family for the sake of my wife and I's sanity, I will tell our son when the time is right, he is only two now, perhaps when he is much older. But, that's me in a nutshell, I hope you enjoyed my spilled guts.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    Figured I’d stop by and say hello – so greetings from the UK – and to let you know that you’re not alone (I think there are more of us solitaries than most people realise).

    Since you spilled your story for all to see, I figured I’d do the same – though at the very real risk of being chased away with rocks and sharp pointed implements (you’ll see why in a moment).

    I came to my current path after having been an agnostic/atheist for 20+ years, though I realised (eventually) that had been a kicking out against a Christian upbringing that had just never felt right for me. But I came to realise that I did believe in something – and eventually after a lot of browsing I came to realise that I was a Polytheist and soon after found my way into Paganism and started down the solitary Druid path. Here’s where the sharp pointy implements come into it – it’s a path I still walk. As a polytheist and as a Druid I made vows to certain deities that I would never break (my Patron deity is Epona), and I’ll admit, I love the Druid path that I walk. But here’s the kicker – Thor unexpectedly came into my life, and not long after so did Freyja and Odin, and out of respect to them I began to explore their lore and the Heathen path – and after that there was no turning back. Something in that path sang to me just as my Druid path does, they are both in my blood. I keep the paths as separate as I can – when holding a Blot or Sumbel I honour only the Heathen Gods, and when working a Druid rite I work with appropriate deities (to avoid what some might see as a pick and mix path) So I have been walking the path as a Heathen Druid for a short while now. I am sure in the eyes of some Heathens I am committing a great crime here by even daring to write these words (and a solitary too!) – but as a Polytheist Heathen Druid who honours the Gods and who answers them when they make themselves known in my life, and one who honours the ancestors and the spirits of the land and the world around us, I have found a path that works for me.

    I’ve been fortunate enough to find some Heathens online who have understood my choices and been supportive, though sadly none that live close to me – hence the reason why I walk as a solitary.

    Anyway, I wanted to share that, and if my path does not make me unwelcome, then I raise a virtual horn of mead to you.

    Waes Hael.
